The company produces SI-C Briquette with SIC content 30-40% and Fixed carbon 30-40%,Even though it is different from the Si-C particles currently used in many steel making plants that have SiC content of approximately 85%,it still has similar efficiency and helps increase consumption of scrap.
Through feedback from Shandong lron and Steel Group, the company tailor makes SiC Briquette with the following characteristics: 1.Increases the heat of molten pol(increase 25-39c per ton liquid iron); 2. Reduces the TFe in melton slag and improve the metal efficlency;3.Controls the iron loss caused by slag overflow, which similar to slag inhibitor; 4.For furnaces with thermal equilibrium, ensure the terminal temperature, reduce iron loss; 5.Economic benefit prediction (direct benefit): cost saving RMB30 -50 per ton of steel( equivalent to USD4.5-7.5 per ton of steel).
Tel: (Mr. Zhang) 13388003988
Tel: (Ms. Hu) 18340953015
Address: No. 5 Yongsheng Road, Laobian District, Yingkou City, Liaoning Province